Amazon has joined the ranks of tech giants by unveiling a new AI-powered chatbot, Q, designed to assist businesses with tasks like summarizing documents and boosting productivity. The introduction of Q follows a surge in interest among tech firms after the success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Amazon has also made assurances to safeguard companies from potential copyright issues related to the use of its bot. The company aims to integrate Q into its main business applications, potentially attracting more users to its cloud computing services. Additionally, Amazon has announced a significant investment in Anthropic, an AI firm established by former OpenAI staff members. The company has also pledged to defend businesses against copyright claims, in light of high-profile lawsuits involving AI systems.

چت بات کیو Q chatbot Amazom
چت بات کیو Q chatbot Amazom


تنظیم خبر : سهراب اسکندری

Sohrab Eskandari

It’s fascinating to see how AI models are revolutionizing the influencer and modeling industry. The creation of Aitana by Rubén Cruz and The Clueless agency is a prime example of how technology is being used to address the challenges faced by traditional influencers and models.

The decision to create Aitana was born out of the need to overcome the limitations and uncertainties associated with human influencers. As Rubén Cruz mentioned, many projects were being hindered due to issues beyond their control, often related to the influencers or models themselves. This realization led to the creation of Aitana, allowing the team to have more control over their work and not be dependent on individuals with their own set of challenges.

Furthermore, the skyrocketing costs of influencers also prompted The Clueless to explore the idea of creating their own influencer. The unintentional creation of Aitana has proven to be a successful venture, with the virtual model earning a substantial income and becoming the face of a Spanish sports supplement company, among other achievements.

Aitana’s rapid rise to popularity, amassing over 121,000 followers on Instagram in just a few months, speaks volumes about the potential of AI models in the digital space. The fact that she receives private messages from celebrities further demonstrates the impact and influence she has garnered.

This development not only highlights the innovative use of AI in the fashion and influencer industry but also raises thought-provoking questions about the future of modeling and influencer marketing. It will be interesting to see how Aitana’s success paves the way for similar AI models and the impact they will have on the industry as a whole.

فعال کردن یوتیوب بارد
بارد بجای شما ویدئو یوتیوب را میبیند و تحلیل می کند!
بارد بجای شما ویدئو یوتیوب را میبیند و تحلیل می کند!

🔥 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮

Want to ask questions about a YouTube video you’re watching or analyze it deeper? Now you can, with a new feature from Google Bard.

 How it works:

👉Provide your link: Paste your YouTube video into Google Bard and prompt with questions like, “Summarize the key points from this video.”

👉Ask questions: Continue the conversation based on the video type:”Convert the video into a detailed…”

🌟 Bonus for Creators:

Request tips to enhance your YouTube video’s visibility or receive a detailed list of constructive feedback. Allow AI to serve as an extra pair of expert eyes, aiding in the continual improvement of your content.

Ready to explore a new dimension in video interaction? Try out Google Bard’s YouTube Extension now!


Unlocking the Power of YOLO-NAS

5 Reasons to Consider YOLO-NAS Pose:

  1. High Accuracy: YOLO-NAS Pose provides precise detection and localization of body joints with minimal error in complex poses and diverse environments, adapting to varying body shapes, sizes, and clothing.
  2. Real-Time Processing: YOLO-NAS Pose is designed for high-speed processing of images and video streams, making it ideal for applications like interactive gaming and sports performance analysis.
  3. Robustness to Varied Conditions: YOLO-NAS Pose displays remarkable robustness in diverse scenarios, including varying lighting, backgrounds, and camera angles, making it highly reliable in various applications.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: The model can easily handle both simple and complex human poses, making it adaptable to various use cases and integrations.
  5. Efficient Resource Usage: YOLO-NAS Pose is optimized for efficiency, achieving high accuracy and speed while using minimal computational resources. This efficiency makes it suitable for deployment on various platforms, even those with limited processing capabilities.
YOLO-NAS – Compelling Reasons to Embrace this Cutting-Edge Technology

The ElliQ is a senior assistive social robot designed to combat loneliness in seniors. It is shipped directly to the user’s home, and once plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi, it provides company and joy to seniors lacking human interactions. Loneliness in seniors can have detrimental physical and mental health effects, and about 20-30% of seniors identify as feeling lonely. As people transition into older age, they may experience increased loneliness due to leaving the workforce, bereavement, and physical limitations. Even when older adults have close relationships with family and friends, they can still feel lonely if they don’t perceive those relationships as close. ElliQ users, such as Monica Perez, consider the robot a friend and a source of companionship.